
August 17, 2020

Supporting Schools Creatively

As a response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the 10 Arts Council England Bridge Organisations worked together to conduct a National Survey of Schools in July 2020. The aim was to understand how the cultural sector can best support schools moving forward.
July 16, 2020

Hope Streets and Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter movement asks many of the same questions posed as part of Hope Streets: What stories from our past are preserved, and which are hidden away? What questions do we need to ask and what truths do we need to learn about the names memorialised in statues and street names?
July 3, 2020

Curious Minds and Anti-Racism

The very first words of our mission statement are ‘Our vision is for an equal society...’. Tackling unequal access to, and through, arts and culture are right at the heart of why Curious Minds exists. We recognise that our work is far from done, and acknowledge we have a long way to go with specific regards to ethnic and racial diversity.
June 19, 2020

Still curious about Creative Sanctuary

In Refugee Awareness Week last year, we launched our intention to work in partnership with Artreach. We wanted to find out more about how art and creativity were being used to support refugee children, particularly in schools, and to look for any gaps and opportunities to support, to innovate, to fundraise, or to invest.