
April 28, 2021

Proof Positive

Art and creativity implicitly strengthen the character of young people. All practitioners working in the cultural education sector know this. In Summer 2020, Curious Minds partnered with Goldsmiths, University of London for an ambitious research program that seeks to help researchers and practitioners back this up with empirical data.
March 10, 2021

Surging Forward in Sefton

At a time of austerity and constriction, Sefton’s Local Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP) is determined to maintain a high profile for its provision for the arts and creativity across its educational and community providers. Despite the new and additional challenges created by the pandemic, lockdown and school closures, their plans remain hopeful, challenging and ambitious.
February 24, 2021

Nurturing Creative Partnerships in Lockdown

Every challenge offers opportunity to grow. Head of Drama at Stockport Grammar School, Matt King-Sayce, seized this at the start of Lockdown#1 and has been working hard to develop new and existing cultural partnerships for his school through the last few months. Here he reflects on the positives inherent in pursuing partnerships.
February 10, 2021

Arts Award, Inclusivity & Lockdown

Emma Rucastle, Outreach Arts Practitioner & Arts Award Advisor for TramShed Theatre Company, blogs about her experience delivering Silver Arts Award online, striving to keep inclusivity at the heart of the programme during the pandemic