Strong Voices Heard In Gateshead

Artist Teacher Association Membership Scheme
March 18, 2015
Artsplan Courses From Artswork
March 19, 2015
Artist Teacher Association Membership Scheme
March 18, 2015
Artsplan Courses From Artswork
March 19, 2015

Our Strong Voices conference took place on the 6th of March at Sage Gateshead, and live online. 

Strong Voices has been running for over two years and has engaged disadvantaged and vulnerable young people all across the country. It has been delivered by a consortium of bridge organisations, led by Sage Gateshead (Bridge North East, Cape UK, AND, Artswork, and of course Curious Minds).

In the North West we’ve worked in close partnership with arts organisations and youth sector organisations and have learned an enormous amount. We’ve offered specific tailored activity for young people, CPD for professionals, and employed many young people through paid work placements and apprenticeships all of whom have needed additional support to access opportunities.

The conference brought together our learning from right across the consortium and gathered together experienced and interested practitioners to talk specifically about arts and culture with disadvantaged young people.  The entire conference is still available through high quality recordings, which you can access here –

We’ll also soon be publishing our action research report, as well as making a whole host of other information and resources available through our website, so watch this space!

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