A Question of Leadership

Commission For Young Artist Team
October 31, 2018
Curious Blog: Future Focus
December 7, 2018
Commission For Young Artist Team
October 31, 2018
Curious Blog: Future Focus
December 7, 2018

Conference Summary: Challenging Perceptions of Leadership

Question of Leadership Conference
Co-produced by Curious Minds and DIY Theatre, the 'A Question of Leadership' conference brought together teachers, cultural organisations, artists, performers and academics.

Their purpose was to to hear inspiring stories about inclusive leadership and research practices across the education and arts sectors, and to question notions of leadership and research within these sectors. We were delighted to be hosted for the day by Liverpool Hope University.
What Makes a Leader – SLiCE Conference 2018
The event was the fifth Specialist Leaders in Cultural Education (SLiCE®) conference that Curious Minds has delivered. SLiCE® is one of Curious Minds' flagship fellowship programmes. It was developed in response to Darren Henley’s 2012 Review of Cultural Education and, since its inception in 2013, has developed a significant number of schools-based cultural education leaders in the region. SLiCE® fellows develop and test new practices in cultural education, researching the outcomes for wider dissemination and benefit to schools and cultural organisations in the region and beyond. The programme was also referenced in the Culture White Paper in 2016.

Through the 2017-18 academic year, SLiCE® fellows' research looked at how cultural education can deliver the inclusion agenda. The focus of the 2018 conference, therefore, was inclusive practice - with a particular focus on disability. SLiCE® fellows as well as Mind the Gap, Creative Minds, DIY Theatre Company, Liverpool Hope University and Open Theatre participated as presenters and workshop leaders.

Conference key themes:

  • The belief that it is essential that EVERYONE has access to high quality art and culture
  • Re-shaping the word and concept of leadership
  • Challenging perceptions of who can be a leader
  • The importance of continued research
SLiCE Conference 2018

During her talk, Jenny spelled out her own definition of what leadership means, this being:

L - learning, language (keep it clear, to the point and understandable
E - enrich, enable, educate, excite, empower
A - authentic , advocate, act, activist, accountability, awareness, articulate, access
D - dare, direction, debate, decision making, destiny, dismantle barriers
E - enabler, empathy encourage
R - risk, responsibility, role models, retell the story, recreate the norm, rights, research
S - support shape, share, skill up
H - help, harness, hone, hope
I - independence, individuality, inspire, initiate, ignite, inclusive, invigorate, investigate
P - provocate, prompt, participate, play to strengths, play, proactive, presence, policy, politice, pathways, progression

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