Dance Performance Opportunity for Children and Young People in South Cumbria
May 18, 2015Teaching Creative Writing Through Cultural Experiences
May 21, 2015At World Museum, Liverpool, there is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to participate in a FREE programme of KS2 activities.
The programme complements The Mayas: revelation of an endless time, an exhibition which runs from19 June to 18 October 2015. The exhibition and programme are directly relevant to: directly to the KS2 History curriculum: “a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from… Mayan civilisation AD 900, …”
The programme comprises:
- Teachers’ introduction to the exhibition and programme at 4.30-6pm on Thursday 2 July, including a tour of the exhibition
- Bookable workshops on 15, 16, 17 and 20 July led by Mexicolore at World Museum. Mexicolore specialises in delivering interactive activities for schools about Central American civilisations such as the ancient Maya.
- Two trails for KS2 pupils, one contrasting Anglo-Saxon with Maya civilisation; the other enabling pupils to explore the hieroglyphs of the ancient Maya.
The workshops include: traditional Mexican greeting, scene-setting of Mexico, where the Maya lived, followed by: a look at sacred numbers of the Maya, their gods and calendar and universe; English every-day words derived from Aztec and Mayan languages; foods from Mesoamerica; guess-an-object; Maya weaponry; traditional chocolate and its uses and ritual importance to the Maya; and for a finale: playing a ritual ballgame!
- Downloadable teachers’ resource containing guidance on helping pupils got the most from the exhibition, pre- and post-visit activities for KS2 level, and teachers’ notes giving succinct background information about Maya civilisation.
- From September ‘Discover the Ancient World of Mesoamerica’50 minuteworkshops led by our experienced demonstrators in our theatre. The workshop starts introduces the different peoples of Central America, such as the Aztecs and the Olmec, and then focuses on the Maya. Using costume, objects to handle, interaction, discussion and drama the session explores: the everyday life of the Maya, importance of religion and crafts, the roles of different members of the family, what the homes looked like, what medicines were used, children’s games and toys, music, hieroglyphs and calendar systems.
- Booking essential to visit the Museum, exhibition, or to participate in a FREE workshop or attend the teacher briefing on 2 July. Book by emailing: