Freelance Opp: Pennine Lancashire LCEP

National Apprenticeship Week: Holly’s Blog
March 9, 2018
A young girl running with a ribbon on a primary school playground with teachers, parents and pupils eagerly sat watching.
Autism Awareness: Relaxed Performances
March 27, 2018
National Apprenticeship Week: Holly’s Blog
March 9, 2018
A young girl running with a ribbon on a primary school playground with teachers, parents and pupils eagerly sat watching.
Autism Awareness: Relaxed Performances
March 27, 2018

Local Cultural Education Partnership Development Programme
Burnley & Blackburn and Darwen

In 2015 Arts Council England launched the Cultural Education Challenge as a call to action for the arts, culture and education sectors to work better together in offering a consistent high quality art and cultural education for all children and young people. This is rooted in a fundamental belief that arts and culture make our lives better (whether it's improving wellbeing, mental health, engagement in learning, attainment, employability, or creating opportunities to bring communities and families together) and that many children and young people are currently at risk of 'missing out'.

Over 70 Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) now exist across the country, bringing together leaders from a broad range of organisations supporting children and young people to create local plans for meeting the Cultural Education Challenge and addressing local priorities. Curious Minds, the Arts Council's Bridge Organisation for the North West has supported the development of 18 LCEPs within the region, with more getting started in 2018.

Curious Minds is working with Blackburn with Darwen Council and Burnley Council and Leisure Trust to explore what an LCEP for Pennine Lancashire might look like and achieve. Some early scoping has taken place, and we're now keen to explore next steps. We would like to contract a fixed term 'coordinator' to further research the current landscape for this work, engage stakeholders from a variety of sectors and support the development of a local partnership and strategic plan. The role will initially focus on Blackburn and Burnley, with a view to extending the scope of the LCEP in 2019.

Role and responsibilities:
  • To develop a comprehensive overview of the local context for cultural education and children and young people in Blackburn and Burnley, exploring what an LCEP might look like and work towards
  • To review, synthesize and present key findings from existing research, data and consultation
  • To explore and develop links with other national and regional programmes, including Museums and Schools
  • To look at county wide provision and other models of LCEPs
  • To engage a broad range of stakeholders in shaping this work, and to develop a clear understanding of their needs and priorities
  • To facilitate and support the development of an LCEP structure, strategic vision and action plan (in partnership with Curious Minds)
  • To report on key findings / progress and make recommendations for future LCEP development & growth (inc. feasibility of pan-Pennine Lancs approach)

The work of this role will be supported by key delivery partners, including Curious Minds, Blackburn with Darwen Council and Burnley Council and Leisure Trust.

By the end of this contract we would expect to have:
  • Brokered and facilitated new conversations between a broad range of children and young people stakeholders across multiple sectors - getting people talking to each other that haven't before
  • Identified community and cyp stakeholders, influencers and decision makers across all sectors
  • Created a comprehensive area profile comprising key contacts and relevant data for children and young people and cultural education provision
  • Mapped existing cultural sector provision and priorities for children and young people and (including current approaches to communications & marketing)
  • Mapped local education infrastructure and priorities
  • Convened key stakeholders to explore a local approach to the Cultural Education Challenge
  • Developed an operating structure for shaping and driving forward an LCEP supported by a clear vision and initial foci for collaborative work
  • Provided opportunities for cross-sector sharing of practice, data and information supporting a greater understanding of stakeholders' roles, approaches, language, needs and priorities

12-month freelance contract, either one person or job share to work across both areas.
Contract: 70 days on a £200 day rate, (rate to include travel and expenses).
In addition there is a small activity budget available to facilitate consultation activities and undertake some testing.
The post(s) will have space provided at Towneley Hall and Blackburn Museum to work out of, but will need to provide their own computer and phone.
The post(s) and will be supported by a small steering group.

Applicants applying as a job share are asked to explain how they will work/communicate/share learning with the 2nd role.

Knowledge & skills needed:
  • Experience of pulling together complex partnerships
  • Proven track record re: project management
  • Ability to talk to different groups, tailoring language and approach appropriately
  • Self motivator/independent/organised with good time management
  • Working understanding of cultural landscape, including heritage
  • Good knowledge of children and young people agenda and landscapes
  • Excellent communication/experienced facilitator/good writer
  • Experience of consultation, preferably including children and young people
  • Experience of report writing and making recommendations

Contract management:
The post will be paid by Burnley Leisure.

Accountable to / overseen by a steering group comprising: Rebecca Johnson (Blackburn with Darwen Council), Hannah Baldwin (Curious Minds) and Helen Jones (Burnley Leisure).
Responsible for own tax and insurances.
This initial process is a task & finish group not the LCEP itself.
We hope to appoint mid-April and start the project soon after that.

How to apply:
Submit a cover letter that details how you would approach the project and what skills, knowledge and experience you have that will support you to deliver this proposal. Please attach your CV and detail two references. Submissions to be emailed to by midday on Tuesday 27th March 2018.

Provisional date for interviews: 18th April

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