Why is Artsmark important to young people?
February 25, 2014St Augustine Pull Out All The Stops
February 25, 2014Over the next four years schools, museums, arts and community groups will be working together on creative projects to commemorate the First World War (FWW).
Arts Award want to help you accredit these projects through the Arts Award programme and are working with the First World War Centenary Partnership, led by IWM(Imperial War Museums). Organisations involved in FWW projects are encouraged to join the partnership.
Children and young people aged up to 25 will have the opportunity to achieve a special edition First World War Centenary Arts Award certificate if they have worked with creative projects to commemorate the First World War for their Arts Award.
Tameside Council and The Lowry, Salford, supported by Curious Minds in association with the National Theatre, have created a War Horse Arts Award Explore arts logs which can be used as part of FWW projects – find out more here.
Keep checking this page – www.artsaward.org.uk/firstworldwar – to find out more as this programme develops and more opportunities come online. If you would like advice on how your FWW project fits with Arts Award, get in touch at artsawardenquiries@trinitycollege.co.uk or call 020 7820 6178