Summer Learning Map
May 7, 2021
Bubble Up Summer Commissions
June 11, 2021Our Top Tips for Youth-led Success!
Often, conversations around youth leadership understandably focus on the benefit this has for young people, or the organisations they contribute to. But, behind each of the success stories is a story less often told of the individual adults who have enabled the young people’s success.

These adult professionals tie their success to that of the young people they enable. They are likely to be held responsible for the work being a triumph (or not), whilst simultaneously being asked to relinquish their control. They are asked to start a journey without a map and make navigation decisions democratically with an inexperienced crew; whilst making sure they arrive at their destination safely and have a brilliant time getting there. This work is not for the faint-hearted.
Here are five top tips for adults leading youth led work, which we’ve learned from the brilliant Hope Hub Leads from our Festival of Hope partner museums: