Arts Councils’ Cultural Education Profile Tool
April 1, 2014LightNight Liverpool Programme Out Now!
April 1, 2014A grass roots networking and hands-on day supporting anyone making music in special education
Friday, 2 May 2014 – 9:00am to 3:15pm
A conference designed for: The specialist or non-specialist; just starting out or many years in.
- Key Note performances by students overcoming SEND
- Assistive technology with Drake Music
- Progression using “Sounds of Intent” with Professor A. Ockleford
- “How do I ……?” techniques and tips for the specialist and non-specialist on any aspect of curriculum delivery you want to cover with Music Unlimited.
- “Hands-on afternoon” Fully interactive workshops with expert assistance based on what you want and need from a piece of equipment or resource.
- Networking opportunities with an open microphone for “shout out” requests or questions and a contact message board.
- A “Speakers Corner” offer at lunch with a prize for the most inspiring or thought-provoking speech.
£60 per delegate Standard charge
£50 per delegate Early bird
includes refreshments and hot buffet lunch
Booking information and full details please contact
Patricia Tremayne, Greater Manchester Music Hub
01204 333 533