April Activities From Lakeland Arts
March 13, 2014Blast Off At The Dukes
March 31, 2014Get busy at the Brewery Youth Arts awesome array of activities where you can meet your mates, have fun and be creative.
Experiment and explore new techniques and skills. Have fun creating your own individual artwork or an Opera in a day!
Mon 14 April
Photo-montage Treasure Box for Special Treats or Sweets.
12 .30- 2.30pm / 8-14yrs/ £7 inc materials
With photo-montage, bright paint, sequins & card transform a card box with rich decoration. A great Easter gift.
Please click here to book online.
Clay Singing Birds or Critters
3-5pm: / 8-14yrs/ £7 inc materials
Celebrate spring creating your own small bird whistle or have fun modeling & decorating a larger 3D bird or ‘critter’ in clay. We will fire your work ready for you to collect at the end of the holidays.
Please click here to book online
Young Fun Sessions
Accompany your child on a creative journey. 6-11yrs / £5.50 per class (parents free)
Tues 15 April
Robot or Monster clay plaques.
10.30am -12Noon
Enjoy imprinting air dried clay with a wide variety of textures. You can create your own imaginative design or use a template, sponge with colour & your plaque is ready to take home!
Please click here to book online
Odd sock Animals
Transform your old socks into a wonderful creature; pigs, birds, rabbits or some crazy character – the choice is yours. Glue or stitch. We have some odd socks you can use or bring your own.
Please click here to book online
‘Imaginary wonderland Garden’
Create a wonderland of whacky plants & wild creatures, working together with paint and collage. When it’s completed, pose in costume as the Mad Hatter, White Rabbit or Alice in front of your creative garden for a photo (completely optional!).
Please click here to book online
Wed 16 April
Crowing Egg Cosy
10.30 -12.30 / 8-14yrs / £7 inc materials
Needle-felt your own cockerel, hen or cat and combine with some stitching/ gluing pre-felt to create an original and colourful egg cosy.
Please click here to book online
Needle-felted Sweetie Bags or Mobile phone covers
1.30-3.30 / 8-14yrs/ £7 inc materials
Create an original and vibrant design using needle-felt techniques direct onto fabric. You can stitch or glue the finished piece and embellish with beads & buttons.
Please click here to book online
Thurs 17 April
Opera in a Day!
11–3.30 / 7-14yrs/ £12
Come and enjoy a morning learning new singing techniques and songs from operas such as Hansel and Gretel (Humperdinck), Carmen (Bizet) and The Magic Flute (Mozart). In the afternoon we will turn one of the songs into our very own piece of operatic magic!
To Book go to the Brewery Arts Website. www.breweryarts.co.uk (youth) Or ring Box Office on 01539 725133