Curious Blog: Character Foundations
February 22, 2019
Curious Blog: Trail Finders
February 26, 2019Stating that exams and qualifications can’t be the whole picture of learning and achievement, Hinds called for a “joined up effort from the entire community’.
Hinds pledged to improve the connections between schools and the providers of character-building activities.
Whilst the activities are offered by thousands of providers, Hinds said that schools’ knowledge is limited.
Curious Minds has proven that cultural education can have a measurable impact on the character qualities of young people through our Cultural Citizens and SLiCE® programmes, as discussed here.
Here’s how the sector responded online:
Funding“sounds great, give us some money for it please … children don’t need access, they need entitlement.”
‘the government’s EBacc policy actively works against 3 of these 5 foundations’
Statutory Curriculum
Responses called for a change in EBacc policy and noted that Academies don’t have to follow the national Curriculum so are not held to account when arts are squeezed.
Youth Services
There were also references to cuts to youth services which offered all five of Hinds’ foundations but have been slowly eroded as funding has been redirected to the National Citizen Service.
Curious Minds’ Trustee said…
Curious Minds’ Trustee, Head Teacher and SLiCE® Alumni, David Wearing said:
“I notice two things on this thread. Lots saying fund it properly and lots offering services to support. The two can never fully join until funding is sorted. Too many initiatives that mean nothing with fundamental financial budget changes at DfE”
Next steps?
If your school is looking for a cultural partners, visit the Culture Hubs website to see what the region has on offer.
If you want to develop a Cultural Citizens project in your school or setting, contact info@curiousminds.org.uk to express interest in the roll out of this programme.