A Deafening Silence: Child Sexual Exploitation

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All Things Considered Theatre present a unique opportunity to share your knowledge, expertise and experience of Child Sexual Exploitation with a view to having a real impact on the education of young people.

All Things Considered Theatre are in the process of creating a performance that aims to prevent and raise awareness of Child Sexual exploitation.

We feel passionately that in order to have a real impact we need to work alongside professionals in order to ensure that the work makes a real difference.

All service providers, organisations and individuals who work within this field will have the opportunity to come together to share their understanding of this issue with each other and the team. These Knowledge Creation Days aim to bring together the most experienced people to share good practice and develop a central message for young people to hear. The days session will be delivered using creative approaches and it will be the same session on each of the event days.

The findings and research gathered from these events will form the basic of a theatre in education performance that will integrate digital technologies and theatre. This will offer a unique experience for young people in order to really make a difference to those at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation.

The ideas, facts, and knowledge that you share will have a direct impact on the performance content as we believe that in order to create real change we need to have the right information.

The Knowledge Creation days will be held at The Dukes Theatre in the autumn term. Free tickets are available via Eventbrite: A Deafening Silence: Child Sexual Exploitation.

This initial phase of the project is funded by the Big Lottery.

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