Artsmark: Latest Schools Announced
July 17, 2020
Trustee Appointments
July 23, 2020Call out for Expressions of Interest

Curious Minds is offering up to 40 commissions worth £2,200 each to community facing organisations and freelance teaching artists, to deliver extra-curricular cultural learning clubs in neighbourhoods across the North West of England.
The £2,200 fee is inclusive of VAT (where applicable), and to cover all* associated costs of running a minimum of 12 hours direct activity for a consistent group of 12–15 children; including staffing, venue and resources.
At least 8 commissions will be awarded to BAME led organisations or to partnerships delivering activity in neighbourhoods where a high proportion of black and ethnic minority families live.
Applicants must be willing and able to work collaboratively with at least two other delivery partners in neighbourhoods across the North West.
*N.B. Curious Minds has set additional funding aside to create an Access & Inclusion Fund to support delivery partners to offer places to children with additional needs who might otherwise miss out. Delivery partners should request this additional support as and when required.
Individual organisations and freelancers can express an interest in one or more of the following commissioning rounds, working with the same or different partners each time. This is a competitive bidding process.
Project Timeline
AUGUST 2020Round 1 ‘Pilot Phase’
To deliver 12 hours of activity between 10 and 31 August:
-> Opens for EOIs midday on Monday 20 July
-> Applications now closed. Subsequent applications will be considered for later rounds
-> Induction session: Wednesday 29th July 11am–12 midday and 1.30pm-2.30pmSEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2020Round 2
To deliver 12 hours of activity between 7 September and 18 December (including October half-term):
-> Opens for EOIs midday on Monday 3 August
-> Applications now closed. Subsequent applications will be considered for later rounds
-> Induction session: Thursday 3 SeptemberOCTOBER TO DECEMBER 2020Round 3
To deliver 12 hours of activity between 26 October and 18 December (including October half-term):
-> Opens for EOIs midday on Monday 31 August
-> Closes midday on Monday 28 September
-> Induction session: Thursday 8th October
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, organisations and individuals must:- Have a proven track record or demonstrable expertise in delivering arts and cultural learning activities to children and young people.
- Have identified 2 to 4 other suitably experienced individuals or organisations to apply (or ‘bubble up’) with. Each partner will be commissioned individually to work as part of a ‘neighbourhood delivery bubble’ to plan, promote, monitor and evaluate the activity.
- Be willing and able to deliver 12 hours of club activity within the same distinct locality as their ‘neighbourhood delivery bubble’ partners; e.g. a particular estate or electoral ward that children would identify as being ‘where they live’. The 12 hours of activity can be spread across a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 12 weeks.
- Be available to join online induction, peer support and CPD activity on dates specified against each round. N.B. If you are applying to deliver as part of the summer pilot activity the induction will take place on 29th July 2020.
- Be willing to recruit and support a consistent group (or bubble) of between 12 and 15 11-13 year olds to participate in a minimum of 12 hours of cultural learning activity. CYP bubbles must stay together throughout the 12 hours. They could spend all 12 hours with the same organisation/activity, or they could rotate around the different activities being offered through the ‘neighbourhood delivery bubble’. Activity must be delivered out of school hours, e.g. at weekends, after school or during school holidays. The only exception to this rule is where partnerships involve a special school.
- Keep up-to-date with and follow government guidance designed to prevent further spread of Covid-19, e.g. maintaining social distancing and implementing good hygiene practices. You will be expected to complete a risk-assessment prior to activity commencing.
Information Sessions
Organisations and individuals interested in delivering Bubble Up clubs are invited to join one of the following online Information Sessions:- Wednesday 22nd July, 10am – 11am
- Friday 24th July, 1pm – 2pm
- Monday 10th August, 10am – 11am
- Monday 7th September, 1pm - 2pm
Please reserve a place on your preferred session via Eventbrite using the links above.
You can also address questions to: commissions@curiousminds.org.uk. We aim to respond directly to questions within 24 hours. Responses to questions posed will be posted on Curious Minds website.
Connect with partners
In order for applicants to find delivery partners to bubble up with we have created a Slack for you to connect.How to apply
To express an interest, complete the online form using the link below.Further information and guidance
- Name
- Organisation
- Contact number
- Website
- Address & Postcode
- What is your area of expertise (e.g. art form, creative practice or work with children and young people)?
- What would children do and learn during their 12 hours with you? [max 300 words]
- Which neighbourhood do you plan to deliver the activity within? Tell us a bit more about the place, the families who live there and your connection to it? [max 300 words]
- Where would the activity take place (e.g. library, community centre, cultural venue, park, etc.)
- Who else is in your ‘neighbourhood delivery bubble’? N.B. you need to name 2 -5 organisations that are applying to deliver activity in the same place within the same round. If you need Curious Minds help to broker relationships or source suitable venues please tell us here.
- How do you plan to promote your offer to 11-13 year olds and their parents, e.g. local social media channels, leaflets, referrals?
- Please give an example of previous work with children and young people and/or plans to deliver other holiday or out of school activities [max 300 words]
- Would you describe your organisation or proposed activity as being BAME led? YES/NO
- Would you describe the neighbourhood where you propose to deliver activity as being home to a high proportion of BAME families? YES/NO
N.B. If your expression of interest is taken forward into the next round we will need to carry out further due diligence. We will ask to see your DBS certificate, safeguarding policy, public liability insurance and proof of bank account.
We do not need you to provide evidence of what children who are transitioning to secondary school post-covid need as these are well researched and documented already. We do however expect delivery partners to identify specific needs of individual children so that you can differentiate your delivery so that all children taking part get the best possible experience.
We have set aside additional funding to create an Access & Inclusion Fund that delivery partners can access if they need to purchase specialist equipment or resource so that children with additional needs do not miss out.
We want to reach as many children as possible with this funding so we would encourage groups to be given access to 12 hours in total.
However, if a strong enough case was made, we would be prepared to consider allowing one group of children to take part in 12 hours of activity with each partner. E.g. if there were 3 delivery partners working in a neighbourhood bubble each commissioned to deliver 12 hours of activity, one group of 15 children could get access to 36 hours of out of school hours cultural learning activity.
We intend to work with partners to ensure that a compelling offer is created that children will want to join and stick with. We understand that when something is offered for ‘FREE’ that people might not be as committed as if they paid for something. We would be happy for partners to charge a nominal fee to secure commitment, although we wouldn’t want this to be a barrier that prevented children who would benefit from missing out.
We would be willing to consider funding groups of less than 12 children where a strong case for doing so was made, e.g. venue size prevented larger groups or the specific needs of the children mean that a smaller group would be beneficial to learning.
We are encouraging potential delivery partners to register on The Culture Hub where they will be able to search for potential partners and post a brief asking for orgs to join a Neighbourhood Delivery Bubble.
We are also looking to set up a Slack where artists and organisations are able to connect and share ideas.
- The partnership did not qualify as a Neighbourhood Delivery Bubble, e.g. due to there being only two partners or one of the partners named was providing a venue only
- Delivery Bubble partners who were named had not applied
- All the partners were proposing to deliver the same activity
- The geographical area proposed was too wide – the ‘hyperlocal’ criteria for this programme means a Neighbourhood Delivery Partnership works together to provide activities in a distinct neighbourhood or ward (the only exception to this rule is where a Bubble proposes to work in a rural area)
- Other applications (from the same area) were stronger, in terms of artistic quality, progression and the potential for future sustainability and signposting
- While some elements of the application were strong, there were some weaknesses in terms of artistic quality
- While individual applications were strong, one or more in the same proposed bubble were weaker
- The main activity did not qualify as cultural education