Call for Evidence: Social Impact Inquiry
February 23, 2018
Being An Apprentice At Curious Minds
March 7, 2018Time well spent: Reflections on my apprenticeship experience

In July 2017 I completed my 18-month apprenticeship with Curious Minds. Over that period, I developed and grew, from a naïve school leaver into a confident young adult, not only in my work life but my personal life as well. My apprenticeship led to a full time Business Administration Trainee post, also with Curious Minds.
Looking back, I can see that throughout the duration of my apprenticeship, my attitude towards my work changed substantially. I'll always remember something I was told at the very start of my apprenticeship, by our CEO, Derri Burdon; "It takes working in a place 6 months to realise whether or not it's the right place for you". I didn't really take this in at first, until 6-months into the placement when Derri reminded me of it. I then realised that Curious Minds was a place that I really enjoyed working and I wanted to stay here beyond my apprenticeship. This realisation gave me a completely changed my whole attitude to work. I knew it was important to make my work stand out and to ensure that I made a genuine contribution to the success of the organisation.
One piece of advice I would give any apprentice or aspiring apprentice is to apply yourself as well as you can to the organisation you're in. Knowledge and experience are powerful career allies, so make sure you can learn as much as possible while you are still young. You may or may not have A-levels or a university degree - I have neither - but I do understand that this need not be a barrier to success. The knowledge, experience and communication skills you will gain from working can take you just as far as formal qualifications.
Now that I am in a full time role, I am determined to make the most of it. I am currently taking my PRINCE2 qualifications in project management, which I hope will lead onto much bigger things. I can't wait to show Curious Minds what more I have to offer.

By Joe Umpleby
Business Administration Trainee