Bridging the Distance
May 17, 2022
The Arts in Schools
May 26, 2022Exploring communication through movement, sound and gesture with very young children
Are you an early years setting wanting to develop your creative practice?
Do you work in a cultural organisation that wants to cultivate or share its early years offer?
We are very pleased to invite all those with an interest in this area, and the unique qualities that performance/sound/movement arts can contribute to early years pedagogy, to attend an inspiring and practical workshop.

In this workshop, doctoral researcher and early years artist, Charlotte Arculus, together with dancer, Anna Daly, and practitioners from Martenscroft Nursery School will present artist and educator perspectives from the More-than-words project. They will explore and share some of the simple, talk free and open-ended approaches and materials that have been used throughout the research.
There will also be time to reflect, discuss and deepen connections, and to explore the possibility of establishing an early years arts network in the region.