Making the CASE for Co-Creation…
April 27, 2022
Young Associates Recruitment
May 16, 2022Generations for Change - Digital Producer & Project Manager Brief

A digital producer/film maker is sought by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) in partnership with Curious Minds; a charity dedicated to improving the lives of children and young people through great art and culture.
Generations for Change was part of the LCRCA Race Equality Programme.
Between March and October 2021, six cultural organisations hosted a Young Producer to carry out research into the lived experiences of young Black, Asian and other diverse Ethnic groups across all boroughs of the city region.
The aim was for the cultural organisations to broker introductions between the Young Producers and relevant local community groups who could engage young people to tell their stories. The Young Producers could then take the next steps on their employment and skills journey.
LCRCA and Curious Minds is looking to commission a creative marketing professional/digital producer or organisation to:
- Collate the creative research of six Young Producers from Black, Asian and other diverse Ethnic Communities involved in our Generations for Change programme. This includes film, music, poetry and zines and visual art.
- Facilitate each Young Producer to create a short introductory film giving the context/challenges of their research and a summary of their findings.
- Link the content to the LCRCA and Curious Minds websites working with relevant colleagues within these organisations.
This work will help us celebrate and share the stories of the Young Producers as widely as possible and support our long-term campaign to advocate for cross-sector change to achieve racial equality.

Saphena Aziz
Director of Inclusion