NW Cultural Citizens Pilot Success
February 21, 2018
National Apprenticeship Week: Joe’s Blog
Inquiry into the Social Impact of Participation in Culture and Sport
The inquiry will focus on five major themes - social mobility, health, crime reduction, education, community engagement and diversity. Recognising that there is no single cross-Government strategy of support for this work – alongside funding from Arts Council England and other government bodies, projects are largely run by charities and private organisations. Often projects are delivered in isolation rather than in partnership with public bodies which could extend their reach and influence. The inquiry would seek to draw the Government’s attention to the importance of these activities and ‘join up’ currently separated departmental efforts.
The Committee has issued the following terms of reference:
- Which programmes best demonstrate the positive social impact that participating in sport and culture can have on the five central themes of this inquiry?
- How can access to cultural and sporting professions be improved to enable greater diversity? How can the Government build a pipeline of talent?
- Why has the Government not co-ordinated its efforts more effectively?
- Where are the examples of departmental best practice and how could it be shared?
- Has the sport sector been better for social mobility than the arts? If so, why?
- How can museums, galleries and other cultural venues boost access and social impact?
Curious Minds will be preparing its response over the next few weeks and would invite contributions from interested organisations before Friday 16th March 2018. If you have specific examples of success to share with us, please contact steph.hawke@curiousminds.org.uk.