Remembering Eleanor Chapman
August 25, 2023
Preparing Generation Curious
October 3, 2023Curious about joining our Board as a Trustee?
Can you help shape and support Curious Minds to create a future where being creative and experiencing brilliant culture is a regular part of every child’s learning and life?
Currently, we are particularly keen to recruit people with current or recent experience in the following areas:
- Sales and marketing
- Digital innovation
- Fundraising and external funding
- HR and/or legal
- Cultural sector
- Education sector
- Creative industries
Our current Trustees tell us that volunteering in such a significant role is hugely energising and satisfying. They enjoy the opportunity to engage in strategic conversations with leading thinkers, and to influence practice at the highest levels. This will be a stretching role for most people.
There may be many reasons you are considering becoming a Trustee. You might want to enhance your CV, build social and professional connections, or relish the challenge of something new. What we can guarantee is that, as a Curious Minds Trustee you will also gain the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping improve the lives of children and young people by creating more and better opportunities for them to engage in the very best arts, culture and creativity our region has to offer.
You can read our Board Blueprint here:
What’s involved?
Board meetings are held four times a year, with the option of attending remotely. In addition, we occasionally ask Trustees to volunteer to join thematic task teams or working groups.Trustees are also invited to attend Curious Minds’ events and conferences throughout the year, to help them understand our work. If you haven’t been a Trustee before, you might like to find out more about the responsibilities of Trustees.
The role description for Curious Minds Trustees is at the link below:
Curious about Curious Minds?
Our vision is for a future where being creative and experiencing brilliant culture is a regular aspect of EVERY child’s life and learning.
Powered by curiosity, we tackle unequal access to creativity and culture for children and young people who are often excluded by social and economic inequalities.
We do this by working across multiple sectors to support, develop, champion and mobilise the cultural education workforce to achieve collective impact.
Curious Minds is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, which means we receive funding from taxpayers to help ensure all children and young people have access to the transformative benefits of creativity and culture. We take this responsibility very seriously.
Leading Nationally from the North
We achieve national and international reach but focus our work on the North of England. Our team draws expertise from across the education, culture, public and private sectors.
Driving all our work is the belief that, with the right support and space to innovate, the cultural sector can play a greater role in making the North of England the best place for children and young people to grow up and achieve their potential.
You can discover more about our ambitious 7-year strategy ‘Into a Curious Future’ here:
We are open to hearing from potential new Trustees at any time. However, we are currently actively recruiting as two Trustees have recently stepped down.We would love to invite potential new Trustees to observe our next board meeting in January. For this to be possible, we would need to hear from you by the 4th December 2023.
If you would like an informal conversation about this role before applying, please contact our CEO, Derri Burdon:
Mobile: 07713094865
Email: derri.burdon@curiousminds.org.uk.
We work hard to maintain the diversity of our board, as we believe it makes us stronger. We always consciously consider whether we’ve done a good enough job of letting a wide range of people know about our opportunities. We try not to shortlist until at least 20% of the people who express interest are from groups who are under-represented in the arts and culture sector. For more information about who that is, see https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/our-data/diversity-data.
How to apply:
Please send a CV and covering letter of no more than 2 sides of A4 explaining why you think you’d be great at this role and what you hope to gain from it. We’re happy to receive video or audio if you prefer (no more than 5 minutes).Please send your application to sue.langfeld@curiousminds.org.uk. We will acknowledge all applications by email. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please assume we have not safely received your application and contact us via telephone on 01942 387083.
We can only know if we’ve reached a wide enough range of people with this opportunity by asking you to complete our Inclusion Monitoring form. This is completely anonymous and separate from your application. Please complete the form here. (https://forms.office.com/r/DKN89HRH6G)