Responding to the Curriculum & Assessment Review
November 10, 2024
Celebrating 4 Years of Let’s Craft
December 4, 2024You could play a vital role in supporting our mission
We're looking for a finance expert to take on an important Board-level role; helping Curious Minds build a future in which being creative and experiencing brilliant culture is a regular part of every child’s learning and life.
For this role, we are looking for someone who is motivated to make a difference and has experience in the following areas:
- Financial governance
- Strategic leadership
- Cultural and/or education policy and funding
And a commitment to:
- Equality, diversity and anti-racism
- Great governance practice
What's involved?
- Our Board meets virtually (via Zoom) 4 times per year, for meetings of 2 hours each (currently 5-7pm).
- There is also an in-person Board Development Day and occasional extraordinary meetings to attend.
- You may sometimes be asked to represent the organisation at outside events in the absence of the Chair, or asked to support the Chair in financial decision-making on matters that cannot be progressed without board authorisation but cannot wait until the next board meeting.
We are Curious Minds...
Our vision is for a future where being creative and experiencing brilliant culture is a regular aspect of EVERY child’s life and learning. Powered by curiosity, we tackle unequal access to creativity and culture for children and young people who are often excluded by social and economic inequalities.Curious Minds is an ambitious charity that brings about positive and lasting change. We deliver learning and professional development programmes to diversify, innovate and raise quality in the field of cultural education. We do this by working across multiple sectors to support, develop, champion and mobilise the cultural education workforce to achieve collective impact.
Curious Minds is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, which means we receive funding from taxpayers to help ensure all children and young people have access to the transformative benefits of creativity and culture. We take this responsibility very seriously.
Leading Nationally from the North
We achieve national and international reach but focus our work on the North of England. Our team draws expertise from across the education, culture, public and private sectors.
Driving all our work is the belief that, with the right support and space to innovate, the cultural sector can play a greater role in making the North of England the best place for children and young people to grow up and achieve their potential.
You can discover more about our ambitious 7-year strategy ‘Into a Curious Future’ at the link below:
The application process
If you've read this far, you're interested and that's exciting! We'd welcome the chance to have informal conversation with you before you apply, to answer any questions you may have. Please contact Sue Langfeld, our Chief Operating Officer:Email: sue.langfeld@curiousminds.org.uk.
To apply:
Send your CV and a covering letter, of no more than 2 sides of A4, explaining why you think you’d be great at this role and what you hope to gain from it. We’re happy to receive video or audio if you prefer (no more than 5 minutes please).Please get in touch with us as soon as possible if you're interested. We'll continue to advertise this position until we find the right person. Send your application to sue.langfeld@curiousminds.org.uk. We acknowledge all applications by email, so if you don't receive an acknowledgement, please assume we have not safely received your application and contact us by telephone on 01942 387083.
We work hard to maintain the diversity of our board, as we believe it makes us stronger. We always consciously consider whether we’ve done a good enough job of letting a wide range of people know about our opportunities, but we can only know this by asking you to complete our Inclusion Monitoring form. This is completely anonymous and separate from any application. Please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/r/DKN89HRH6G