
January 16, 2024

Awards 2024 Launched

The Northern Cultural Education Awards shine a light on best practice, innovation and activism in the field of creative and cultural education across the North of England. Taking place on May 24th 2024, the Awards Ceremony will bring together teachers, cultural organisations, artists and leaders to celebrate their commitment and impact.
November 8, 2023

Young Associates Recruitment 2024

We are recruiting the latest cohort of Young Associates. We are looking for ten young leaders from creative backgrounds, aged 18 to 25 years old, who are ready to take on a new challenge and become the next generation of leaders and change-makers.
August 25, 2023

Remembering Eleanor Chapman

We were devastated to learn this week of the sudden and unexpected death of our Trustee, Eleanor Chapman. A hugely accomplished cultural leader and performer, Elli was also a passionate advocate for children and young people's right to high quality creative and cultural learning.
July 13, 2023

Exploring Inclusive Evaluation

A recent impact evaluation, conducted by Curious Minds with Chester Zoo, has led to the development of an inclusive evaluation methodology for projects involving young people with learning disabilities.

The research evaluation focused on measuring the impacts and effectiveness of a UK wildlife-themed project.
June 27, 2023

The Bridge Network

A new report has been published, which charts the development of the network of Bridge Organisations - reflecting on their collective achievements in delivering better outcomes for young people. Dr David Parker's report was commissioned by all 10 former Bridge Organisations and is published with the support of the Cultural Learning Alliance.
June 16, 2023

The Power of Words

For the past 4 years, Curious Minds has been working with Writing on the Wall to evaluate and support their pioneering creative writing programme, Super Heroes. Here she summarises her findings - breaking down the key features of the project and the evidence of impact that she, with the Writing on the Wall project team, has been able to document.