Tuneful Chatter

The Inspirational Local Partnership Award recognises the best in cross-sector partnership collaborative working. The winners and those shortlisted are all groups of organisations, who have worked collectively to improve access to arts, culture and creativity for the children and young people in their local area.

Tuneful Chatter is a partnership initiative involving darts (Doncaster Community Arts), CAST Theatre and City of Doncaster Council's Early Years Inclusion Team.

This project works to redress the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and existing local inequalities on Doncaster’s 0-5 year olds and their families; responding to both national and local research highlighting widespread delays in very young children’s communication, social and emotional development.

The programme has, so far, seen 10 dance, drama and music professionals collaborate with 12 Early Years specialists, targeting interventions towards areas of specific deprivation and ‘at risk’ groups.

Sessions have been held across a wide range of community hub venues, using movement, music and singing to build language and communication skills in children. The sessions also support parents and carers to play an active role in their child’s development and foster a wider sense of connection and community.

At home activities for families and regular Development Day opportunities for the artists and practitioners, ensure the impacts of this initiative are far-reaching and sustainable.

Making a difference

Project Resources
"I’ve worked in nursery 15-20 years. This year I could see a massive difference in communication, language and PSED."

Doncaster-based Early Years Practitioner

"He seems to be growing in more ways than one – he’s interacting more, his speech is coming on… Stainforth doesn’t have a lot, and I’m so grateful Tuneful Chatter is here."

Carer of child attending Tuneful Chatter

Project Reach

In good company

The Inspirational Local Partnership category of the 2024 Northern Cultural Education Awards had a total of eight wonderful and very worthy finalists, drawn from an incredibly strong field of 37 nominations.

Learn more about the finalists and their projects at the link below: